August 26, 2013


My name is Val and I am behind The Urban Beauty Junkie. This blog is something that I’ve wanted to do for quite some time and it's been really exciting prepping everything before I started posting. I can't wait to see where this goes and you are more then welcome to join me.

A bit about myself, I currently work at an international cosmetic brand’s retail store. As a brand the company is very vocal on political issues as well as being and supporting the cruelty-free industry, which changed my outlook on the industry. So I've thrown out every product I had and am starting over, and what better excuse is there to buy more make-up? But as I was looking for cruelty-free beauty products it became more apparent how difficult it was to find cruelty-free centered blogs. I’m not saying there aren't any but they are nowhere near as popular as regular beauty blogs. It seemed that no one was really aware of what was going on with cosmetics just fooled by the pretty packaging and promises. All of which gave me the idea for this blog.

So what's the game plan for the Junkie? I definitely plan on reviewing products and exploring cruelty-free brands but I'm hoping to create a more intimate experience between buyer and seller by researching and contacting brands. I will be showcasing and reviewing "indie" brands. There will also be posts about trends and the latest news as well as research and conversation topics on whats going on in the industry. The schedule might change as time goes on but thats what you can expect for the time being.

That’s that. I would love to hear from you guys, absolutely whenever. I am going to be continuingly trying to make this blog better.
Talk to you guys soon!

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